The Cremation Society of Milwaukee is here to serve you, and make sure you and your family receive the best we have to offer. If another funeral home quotes a lower price on any service, we guarantee to match their offer.
We are able to keep our services affordable because we build packages around only those services you need. From time to time, circumstances dictate those additional charges may apply.
Charges that may be required of you, but not included in packages:
Cremation Permits by County:
(Prices subject to change without notice)
*Services provided outside of normal business hours (M-F 8am-5pm) will result in $200 of additional fees. Transfer of deceased requiring more than two staff members (extraordinary location, environment or size of deceased) is an additional $200. State assistance is not accepted. Insurance assignments available for qualifying insurance policies, fee of $150 applies. No substitutions or deletions are allowed in package.
**Services to be held only at the Max Sass Funeral Home - Oklahoma Chapel (1515 W. Oklahoma Ave, Milwaukee; Mon - Thurs from 9am until 4pm).
Prices effective February 1, 2025
2729 S 108th St West Allis, WI 53227